Fascinating Facts about Music and Babies
05/07/2024 2853
Realizing Baby’s Full Potential
By Ran Oren
At the moment of birth, baby’s brain is a little over a quarter of the size of an adult’s brain. During a baby’s first three years of life, the brain grows significantly, slowly catching up with the size it will eventually be. This biological fact can help us understand why the first years are so significant in helping baby realize his full potential. Listening to music seems to be one excellent way to do so. There are many things that can contribute greatly to your baby’s development during the first three years, encouraging her cognition and skills by creating an adequately stimulating environment. Many different stimuli can contribute to babies’ development, but offering a musical environment, singing songs and dancing to rhythms is certainly a very enjoyable and effective way of expanding your baby’s horizons. Recent research conducted on the subject of music has found that music has a positive effect on all human beings in general and on babies and toddlers in particular.